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Our Father
Our Father
Welcome to the Our Father challenge, where we'll walk through the prayer that Jesus taught us line-by-line in the hope of re-discovering its deep beauty.
9 sessions
    1Our FatherWelcome to the Our Father challenge. Each session will focus on one line of the prayer with a short reflection & meditation.Reflection and Meditation: Our Father
    2Who art in HeavenToday we'll continue with our meditation & reflections on the Our Father. Today's focus: Who art in Heaven.Reflection/Meditation: Who art in Heaven
    3Hallowed beToday we'll focus on the line 'hallowed be Thy name.' Also coincidentally the line that inspired the name Hallow.Reflection and Meditation: Hallowed be
    4Thy Kingdom comeFor today we'll focus on the line 'Thy Kingdom come' and will reflect on bringing about God's Kingdom here & now.Reflection/ Meditation: Thy Kingdom come
    5Thy will be doneToday we'll meditate on desiring God's will and the radically different way of living to which God calls us.Reflection/ Meditation: Thy will be done
    6Give usWelcome back to the Our Father challenge. Today we'll meditate on the first of this prayer's petitions to GodReflection and Meditation: Give us
    7Forgive usThis session will focus on the line 'Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.'Reflection and Meditation: Forgive us
    8Deliver usToday we will meditate on the final line: 'Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.'Reflection and Meditation: Deliver us
    9The Lord's prayerCongratulations on reaching the final session! We'll use today's session to reflect on the entire Lord's Prayer.Reflection and Meditation: Full prayer