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30-Day Gospel Challenge
30-Day Gospel Challenge
Join Jonathan Roumie in listening to all 4 Gospels in 30 days! Introducing for the first time ever, Hallow’s exclusive audio-guided Gospels with Jonathan. Each day we’ll journey through a few chapters from Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John from the NABRE translation.
30 sessions
    1Matthew: 1-4We begin our journey through the Gospels with the Gospel of Matthew. Today we will hear the genealogy of Jesus, his birth, childhood, and the beginning of his ministry. Day 1
    2Matthew: 5-8Today, we will hear Jesus' famous Sermon on the Mount and witness his healing power.Day 2
    3Matthew: 9-11As we continue with the Gospel of Matthew, we witness Jesus healing more people and teaching. Then, we hear him sending out his apostles to do the same.Day 3
    4Matthew: 12-14In these chapters, we hear many of Jesus' parables including the parable of the sower. We also hear of the death of John the Baptist, and witness Jesus feed the five thousand. Day 4
    5Matthew: 15-18In these chapters, we hear incredible stories from Jesus' life, including the miracle of feeding the four thousand, Simon Peter's declaration of faith, and the Transfiguration.Day 5
    6Matthew: 19-22As we continue through the Gospel of Matthew, we hear Jesus teach through parables, and witness his triumphant arrival into Jerusalem.Day 6
    7Matthew: 23-25In these powerful chapters, we begin with Jesus rebuking the Scribes and Pharisees, followed by two chapters of Jesus teaching his disciples how we will be judged. Day 7
    8Matthew: 26-28In these final chapters of Matthew, we witness the Last Supper, Jesus' arrest at the Garden of Gethsemane, and his death. Then, we experience the joy of the Resurrection.Day 8
    9Mark: 1-3Today we begin our journey through the Gospel of Mark. We will witness several important events, including Jesus' baptism and the call of the first disciples, as Jesus begins his public ministry.Day 9
    10Mark: 4-5As we continue praying with the Gospel of Mark, Jesus offers parables about the Kingdom of God and performs several miracles, including the healing of Jairus' daughter.Day 10
    11Mark: 6-8Today, Jesus sends the disciples out on mission and miraculously feeds two large crowds. The mystery of Jesus also begins to be revealed with Peter's confession about Jesus as the Messiah.Day 11
    12Mark: 9-10Today in Mark's Gospel, we see Jesus transfigured before his disciples and describe who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.Day 12
    13Mark: 11-13In today's readings, Jesus enters into Jerusalem for the final time. He speaks out against the scribes and pharisees and encourages his followers to remain watchful.Day 13
    14Mark: 14-16As we finish listening to the Gospel of Mark, we witness Jesus' passion, death, and resurrection.Day 14
    15Luke 1-2Welcome to the Gospel of Luke! We begin this Gospel with the Infancy Narrative as we hear angels sing, “Glory to God in the highest.”Day 15
    16Luke 3-5Today we hear Luke's account of Jesus' preparation for public ministry. We will witness his baptism and the temptation he faced in the desert.Day 16
    17Luke 6-7Jesus' public ministry begins as he calls Peter, James, John, and Levi to follow him. We also hear a short collection of Jesus' teachings in the Sermon on the Plain.Day 17
    18Luke 8-9Jesus' ministry continues with several parables and the calming of the storm at sea. We also see Jesus send out the twelve apostles on mission.Day 18
    19Luke 10-11Today we hear the parable of the Good Samaritan. Jesus also teaches his disciples the Lord's prayer.Day 19
    20Luke 12-14In today's readings, we hear Jesus offer teachings on everything from greed to discipleship as his notoriety in Jerusalem grows. Day 20
    21Luke 15-18Today we hear Jesus share several parables about the Kingdom of God and prayer, including the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Jesus also continues to tell his disciples of his coming Passion.Day 21
    22Luke 19-21Jesus enters Jerusalem and responds to difficult questions from church officials. He teaches his followers to be vigilant for when the Son of Man comes again.Day 22
    23Luke 22-24Today we witness Luke's account of Jesus' passion, death, and resurrection. As we conclude Luke's Gospel, we hear the powerful story of Jesus encountering his disciples on the Road to Emmaus.Day 23
    24John 1-3As we begin the Gospel of John and the last of the Gospels in this challenge, we listen to John's famous prologue about Jesus and see Jesus perform his first miracle in the wedding at Cana.Day 24
    25John 4-6We continue to journey with Jesus in the Gospel of John as he encounters the Samaritan Woman. We also witness Jesus feed a great crowd and offer the famous Bread of Life discourse.Day 25
    26John 7-8Today we see Jesus come to the aid of a woman caught in adultery and teach the crowds that he is the "light of the world."Day 26
    27John 9-11Today we witness Jesus perform two incredible miracles: heal the man born blind and raise Lazarus from the dead.Day 27
    28John 12-14We enter now into John's Book of Glory, in which Jesus enters Jerusalem and prepares his disciples for his coming death.Day 28
    29John 15-18We continue through the Last Supper Discourse, where Jesus tells his disciples about the coming of the Holy Spirit and offers up a beautiful, priestly prayer for the world.Day 29
    30John 19-21Thank you for praying with us throughout this Gospel challenge! Today, we conclude the Gospel of John by witnessing Jesus' sorrowful death and his triumphant resurrection.Day 30