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Dating Novena
Dating Novena
Join Catholic speaker, author, and musician Emily Wilson in nine days of prayer for your relationship, growing closer to God both individually and as a couple.
9 sessions
    1Day 1: CourageEach day, we'll pray to love God more deeply through our relationship and meditate on a poem-prayer by Fr. Whalen, S.J. Learn more about Emily's series on engagement: http://navigatingengagement.comDating Novena
    2Day 2: AcceptanceToday we pray especially for the grace to accept God's love for us. Learn more about Emily's video series on engagement: http://navigatingengagement.comDating Novena
    3Day 3: HopeAs we continue to journey through this novena, we renew our hope in God as the center of our life. Learn more about Emily's video series on engagement: http://navigatingengagement.comDating Novena
    4Day 4: ClarityWe pray for clarity to see clearly the path God desires us to take in our relationship with Him and our significant other. Learn more about Emily's engagement series: http://navigatingengagement.comDating Novena
    5Day 5: WisdomToday we ask especially for the wisdom to always seek the good of the other in all that we do. Learn more about Emily's video series on engagement: http://navigatingengagement.comDating Novena
    6Day 6: HealingAs we continue to pray this novena, we ask for the gift of healing from negative experiences in all relationships. Learn more about Emily's video series on engagement: http://navigatingengagement.comDating Novena
    7Day 7: ChastityWe pray today for the gift of chastity, to honor and respect the image and likeness of God in others. Learn more about Emily's video series on engagement: http://navigatingengagement.comDating Novena
    8Day 8: CommunicationAs we pray, we ask God for His help to speak truth in love to those with whom we are called to do life. Learn more about Emily's video series on engagement: http://navigatingengagement.comDating Novena
    9Day 9: TrustOn this final day, we pray for trust and the desire to surrender our relationship to God. Learn more about Emily's video series on engagement: http://navigatingengagement.comDating Novena