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Sleep Examen
Sleep Examen
Reflect on your day as you close your night and notice how God has been with you at every moment. These Sleep Examens are a great way to give thanks and conclude your day.
6 sessions
    1Reflect on the dayWelcome to the sleep playlist. Tonight, we'll close our day with an Examen and fall asleep with gratitude.Examen: Reflecting on your day
    2Notice God's presenceClose your day with an Examen. Examen: Reflecting on your day
    3Review and prepareTonight we'll pray an examen. We'll close our day with reflection and by looking forward to tomorrow.Examen: Reflecting on your day
    4Walk through your dayGive God the past day, and invite Him into your day tomorrow.Examen: Reflecting on your day
    5Look back on your dayReview the past day and look forward to tomorrow with hope. Examen: Reflecting on your day
    6Let go of worriesRecall moments of stress and worry from your day, and give each of these moments over to God. Examen: Reflecting on your day