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Marriage Novena
Marriage Novena
Nine days of powerful prayer for your marriage. Join Rachel and Jason Bulman as we pray for the ability to receive the love of our spouse and the grace to love our spouse well.
9 sessions
    1Day 1: ClarityEach day we'll reflect on a new way to grow in love through marriage. We'll conclude each session with a litany. Today we begin by asking for the gift of clarity.Marriage Novena
    2Day 2: BelovednessAs we seek to grow closer to God and our spouse, we reflect on the importance of believing in our own belovedness.Marriage Novena
    3Day 3: IdentityToday we continue to meditate on our identity as beloved sons and daughters of God.Marriage Novena
    4Day 4: Returning LoveAs the beloved of God, we are called to love God in return. Today we consider how we can return the love of God.Marriage Novena
    5Day 5: Receiving LoveIn today's prayer, we ask God's help to receive the love of our spouse, trusting that they have chosen us for the rest of time.Marriage Novena
    6Day 6: Recognizing LoveAs we continue to invite God into our marriage, we pray for the grace to recognize the ways big and small that our spouse communicates love to us.Marriage Novena
    7Day 7: TransformationToday we open our hearts to consider how being loved can change the way we live our lives.Marriage Novena
    8Day 8: Self-giftWe continue to pray for the grace to see the love of God in our marriage.Marriage Novena
    9Day 9: EvangelizationOn this final day, Rachel and Jason lead us in a prayer for an increase in the evangelizing grace of marriage.Marriage Novena