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Spiritual Exercises
Spiritual Exercises
Join one of the greatest experts on prayer, Fr. Timothy Gallagher, as he shows us how to enter into imaginative prayer and leads powerful meditations based on the "Spiritual Exercises" of St. Ignatius. Fr. Tim is an an Oblate of the Virgin Mary. Learn more about his community at https://omvusa.org
29 sessions
    1IntroductionWelcome to the Spiritual Exercises Challenge! In this session, Fr. Gallagher shares how the Exercises have impacted his own life. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Intro
    2Jesus' InvitationIn this session, Fr. Gallagher sets the foundation for our prayer. Then Jesus invites us to share what we really need and desire. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 1
    3Deeper CommunionToday Fr. Gallagher elaborates further on meditation and contemplation, and then we will pray with a passage from Matthew 11:25-30. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 2
    4Fear NotToday Fr. Gallagher shares an experience of meditation. Then we will pray with a passage in which God tells us to not be afraid. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 3
    5Wonderfully MadeFr. Gallagher talks about imaginative contemplation in prayer. Then we will pray with Psalm 139. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.org Spiritual Exercises: Day 4
    6Dedicated to GodFr. Gallagher begins by describing how we should aim to start our time in prayer. Then we will pray with a passage from Jeremiah. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 5
    7In God's HandsFr. Gallagher begins telling an eyewitness account of St. Ignatius at prayer. Then we pray with an image of a potter and clay. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 6
    8Be Set FreeFr. Gallagher focuses one last time on how God looks upon us with love. Then we will pray for liberation with Genesis 3:1-24. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 7
    9Love Never FailsToday Fr. Gallagher talks about the freedom found in being led by God in prayer. Then we reflect on two letters from St. Paul. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 8
    10Seeking MercyFr. Gallagher talks about removing hurry from prayer. Then we will pray with the first part of Psalm 51:1-19. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 9
    11Longing To SeeFr. Gallagher begins with a story from Thomas Merton. Then we will pray with a passage from Luke 19:1-10. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 10
    12Know the LordIn this session, we seek to know where Jesus is calling us to grow in holiness by reflecting on the Anunciation. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 11
    13Love and FollowFr. Gallagher shares advice for how to approach prayer with Scripture. Then we'll focus on a passage from Luke 2:1-20. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 12
    14Set Out to BeginFr. Tim talks about how what we do with our body matters in prayer. Then we'll reflect on Jesus' transition to public ministry. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 13
    15First of His SignsFr. Gallagher proposes two different ways to choose Scripture passages. Then we will meditate on Jesus' first miracle. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 14
    16Into Deep WatersIn this session, we will pray with Luke 5:1-11, in which Jesus gives Simon a new mission. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://www.omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 15
    17At His FeetIn this session, we will pray with the passage of the woman at the feet of Jesus (Luke 7:36-50). Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 16
    18In The BoatIn this session, we will pray with Matthew 8:23-27, the passage in which Jesus is found asleep in the boat. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 17
    19Bringing Our NeedsIn this session, we will pray with the passage of the Feeding of Five Thousand (Matthew 14:13-21). Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 18
    20Take CourageFr. Gallagher shares an important rule from St. Ignatius. Then we pray with the story of Jesus and Peter walking on water (Matt. 14:22-33). Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 19
    21Listen to HimIn this session, Fr. Gallagher shares more about spiritual desolation. Then we meditate on the Transfiguration (Matt.17:1-13). Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 20
    22Washing FeetToday, Fr. Tim leads us through a reflection on the Washing of the Feet at the Last Supper (John 13: 1-17). Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 21
    23Bless and BreakWe continue meditating on the last days of Jesus' earthly life as we turn to the Institution of the Eucharist (Luke 22:7-30). Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 22
    24Keep WatchIn this session, Fr. Gallagher asks: why does God allow us to struggle in prayer? We then meditate on the Garden of Gethsemane (Matt 26:36-46). Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 23
    25Carry ItToday we reflect on Ignatius' 10th rule for consolation and desolation: preparation. Then we reflect on Luke's account of the Crucifixion. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 24
    26Go and Tell ThemWe have now come to the final stage of the Spiritual Exercises, in which we reflect on the Resurrection. Today we'll pray with John 20:11-18. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 25
    27Burning HeartsWe continue meditating on the miracle of the Resurrection with the story of Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 26
    28Feed and TendFr. Gallagher encourages us to share our spiritual burdens with others. Then we pray with a conversation between Jesus and Peter (John 21:1-19). Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 27
    29Contemplation on God's LoveCongratulations on completing the Spiritual Exercises challenge! Fr. Gallagher offers resources for continuing our spiritual journeys. Learn more about Fr. Tim's ministry: https://omvusa.orgSpiritual Exercises: Day 28