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Searching For Peace
Searching For Peace
Sr. Miriam James, SOLT reads this modern classic by Fr. Jacques Philippe. With short, powerful reflections each day, discover peace of heart and how to trust God more in your everyday life. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusa
26 sessions
    1PrefaceSr. Miriam reads the Preface for Searching for and Maintaining Peace by Fr. Jacques Philippe. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    2Part 1: Chapter 1Fr. Philippe explains that all the good we do comes only from God. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    3Part 1: Chapter 2Fr. Philippe explains what peace is and why we must seek it. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    4Part 1: Chapter 3Fr. Philippe encourages us to persevere in the spiritual life. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    5Part 1: Chapter 4Fr. Philippe reminds us that the devil uses certain strategies to distance us from God. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    6Part 1: Chapter 5Fr. Phillipe explains that the reasons we lose our peace are always bad reasons. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    7Part 1: Chapter 6Fr. Philippe explains what goodwill is and why it is a necessary condition for peace within. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    8Part 1: Chapter 7Fr. Philippe continues on the topic of goodwill and peace. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    9Part 2: Chapter 1Fr. Philippe shares that the reason we lose peace is fear. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    10Part 2: Chapter 2Fr. Philippe explores the first the reason why we lose peace; we have a hard time believing in Providence. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    11Part 2: Chapter 3Fr. Philippe explains the second reason we lose our peace: fear of suffering. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    12Part 2: Chapter 4Fr. Philippe encourages us to grow in confidence of God's providence through prayer. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    13Part 2: Chapter 5Fr. Philippe discusses detachment and abandonment, which are necessary for peace. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    14Part 2: Chapter 6Fr. Philippe tells us that while God asks for everything, He doesn't necessarily take everything. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    15Part 2: Chapter 7Fr. Philippe encourages us to remember that while abandonment isn't natural, it is a grace to be asked of God. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    16Part 2: Chapter 8Fr. Philippe uses Psalm 23 to remind us that God is always with us. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    17Part 2: Chapter 9Fr. Philippe shares his thoughts on how to maintain our peace even when people close to us are suffering. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    18Part 2: Chapter 10Fr. Philippe reminds us that Jesus is present in all people who suffer. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    19Part 2: Chapter 11Fr. Philippe shares another reason we may lose our peace: the behavior of others who hurt or preoccupy us. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    20Part 2: Chapter 12Fr. Philippe reminds us that, "The Lord asks us to bear with patience the faults of others." Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    21Part 2: Chapter 13Fr. Philippe encourages us to have patience with our own faults and imperfections as well. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    22Part 2: Chapter 14Fr. Philippe reminds us that God draws good even from our faults. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    23Part 2: Chapter 15Fr. Philippe describes the path we should take when we have committed some kind of fault. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    24Part 2: Chapter 16Fr. Philippe discusses the loss of peace we can experience when, faced with a decision, we are unable to see clearly. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    25Part 2: Chapter 17Fr. Philippe encourages us to joyfully accept our poverty and smallness as means of being perfected by Love. Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace
    26Part 2: Chapter 18In this final chapter, we are encouraged to put Fr. Philippe's words into action! Learn more about the book: https://tinyurl.com/stpaulsusaSearching For Peace