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Eucharistic Chant
Eucharistic Chant
HALLOW ORIGINAL: Meditate on the gift of the Eucharist with this collection of a capella chant and polyphony from members of the Archbishop's Schola. The pieces feature compositions from Gregorio Allegri, Fr. Samuel Weber and Frank La Rocca. The Archbishop's Schola is known as the personal choir of Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco and directed by Rebekah Wu. Learn more about the Benedict XVI Institute here: https://hallow.com/b16institute
11 sessions
    1IntroductionArchbishop Salvatore Cordileone of the Archdiocese of San Francisco introduces this collection of Eucharistic chant and polyphony by the Archbishop's Schola, highlighting the importance of the Eucharist in our spiritual life.by Archbishop Cordileone
    2Tantum ErgoListen and pray with a setting of this traditional Eucharistic chant written by Frank La Rocca and performed by members of the Archbishop's Schola, which means "Therefore such a great Sacrament let us venerate with bowed heads."Archbishop's Schola: Chant
    3Anima ChristiListen and pray with this traditional Eucharistic chant performed by members of the Archbishop's Schola, which means "Soul of Christ, sanctify me."Archbishop's Schola: Chant
    4Adoremus in AeternumListen and pray with this traditional Eucharistic chant written by Allegri and performed by members of the Archbishop's Schola, which means: "Let us adore for ever the most Holy Sacrament."Archbishop's Schola: Chant
    5Verbum SupernumListen and pray with this traditional Eucharistic chant performed by members of the Archbishop's Schola, which means "The heavenly Word proceeding forth."Archbishop's Schola: Chant
    6Pange LinguaListen and pray with this traditional Eucharistic chant performed by members of the Archbishop's Schola, which means "Sing, my tongue, the glorious mystery of the Body."Archbishop's Schola: Chant
    7O Sacred FeastListen and pray with this traditional Eucharistic chant performed by members of the Archbishop's Schola.Archbishop's Schola: Chant
    8Ego Sum Alpha et OmegaListen and pray with this traditional Eucharistic chant performed by members of the Archbishop's Schola, which means "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and last."Archbishop's Schola: Chant
    9Gustate et VideteListen and pray with this traditional Eucharistic chant performed by members of the Archbishop's Schola, which means "O taste, and see that the Lord is sweet."Archbishop's Schola: Chant
    10Hoc CorpusListen and pray with this traditional Eucharistic chant performed by members of the Archbishop's Schola, which means "This is My Body which is given for you."Archbishop's Schola: Chant
    11Litany of ReparationListen and pray with this litany in honor of the Most Blessed Sacrament written by Fr. Samuel Weber and performed by members of the Archbishop's Schola.Archbishop's Schola: Chant