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Trusting in God
Trusting in God
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of the Archdiocese of San Francisco reminds us that anything is possible when we trust in God. He leads a meditation on the story of Peter following Jesus' command to let down his nets and offers a moving prayer to the Holy Spirit written by St. Catherine of Siena.
2 sessions
    1In Verbo Tuo (At Your Word)Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of the Archdiocese of San Francisco leads a meditation on his episcopal motto: "In Verbo Tuo," which means, "At your word." The words come from Luke 5 and the story of Peter following Jesus' command to lower his nets.Meditation on Episcopal Motto
    2Love UndefiledArchbishop Salvatore Cordileone of the Archdiocese of San Francisco leads a moving prayer by St. Catherine of Siena asking the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist to guide our lives.Prayer by St. Catherine of Siena